Evaluating Multimodal Effects of Debamestrocel on Varying CSF Biomarker Pathways in ALS Linked to Clinical Outcomes
Time: 10:30 am
day: Conference Day One Track B
- Showcasing the potential multimodal mechanism of action of Debamestrocel through analysis of 45 biomarkers by two subgroups characterized by ALS-FRS-R into a panel approach, to build a clearer and more holistic picture of disease progression and Debamestrocel efficacy on the complex and heterogenous pathology within ALS
- Reviewing the clinical utility of NfL and NfH as reliable biomarkers of disease progression and treatment monitoring in ALS, while examining how longitudinal data has refined their use in predicting therapeutic outcomes
- Advancing neuroprotective strategies through biomarkers to explore the role of biomarkers like BDNF and GDNF in informing alignment with cellular and molecular repair mechanisms
- Sharing regulatory insights and next steps for clinical development: study’s recommendations and recent advancements