Improving Disease Scoring Systems in ALS: Addressing Heterogeneity & Decline Rates to More Accurately Interrogate Drug Efficacy in Patient Subgroups
Time: 9:30 am
day: Conference Day Two
- Understanding ALS heterogeneity to explore the key factors contributing to ALS diverse progression rates and how heterogeneity can be accounted for in clinical scoring systems
- Overviewing current ALS-FRS scoring systems and their limitations in both clinical trials and routine care, and why current scores may not adequately reflect all patients’ experience (e.g. patients with different onset ages or rates of progression)
- Innovative approaches to scoring ALS progression including new methods to improving scoring and patient stratification, the role of biomarkers in enhancing scoring systems and the power of AI and machine learning to identify patterns of progression that are missed by traditional scores
- Exploring implications of improved scoring on ALS trial design (adjusting for disease onset and progression speed), regulatory acceptance and approval processes