Refining Sensitivity & Specificity of TDP-43 Loss of Function Assay in Plasma for Sporadic ALS for Diagnostic & Trial Utility

Time: 8:00 am
day: Conference Day Two


  • Outlining HDGFL2 cryptic neoepitope as a potential early diagnostic marker for ALS, identifying TDP-43 splicing repression in plasma of sporadic ALS patients, upstream of aggregate formation
  • Harnessing TDP-43 splicing repression to identify ALS onset upstream of aggregate pathology and earlier in disease for earlier diagnosis
  • Evaluating longitudinal changes in disease progression and patient benefit to determine predictivity of drug effect
  • Improving assay sensitivity to better differentiate disease and controls to ensure assay qualification and validation to clinical use standards for interpreting trial results, while improving trial design and context of use
