Robert Bowser

Robert Bowser

Company: Barrow Neurological Institute

Job title: Chief Scientific Officer


Can we Slow Neurodegeneration in Multiple Indications without Reducing Neurofilament Light Chain? 9:00 am

Reviewing data on NFL in different neurodegenerative diseases Mechanisms and factors that contribute to NFL levels in biofluids Exploring examples of different ALS therapeutic trials where NFL was reduced with treatment response Does the timing of NFL reductions during trials depend upon the mechanism of action of the treatment? Evaluating feasibility for controlling baseline heterogeneity…Read more

day: Conference Day Two

ALL ALS: Establishing a National Research Consortium to Accelerate ALS Drug Discovery and Harmonize Global Data 5:00 pm

ALL ALS is an NIH-funded initiative to enroll nearly all ALS patients in the U.S., collecting clinical data, biosamples, and digital health measures through site-based and remote methods Integrating datasets from Target ALS, Answer ALS, and AMP-ALS into a public portal to accelerate research and therapeutic development Harmonizing ALS research data with other neurological diseases,…Read more

day: Conference Day One PM

Panel Discussion: Uniting Forces: Collaborative Initiatives Driving ALS Drug Development Through Data Sharing & Accelerated Research 5:30 pm

How are these initiatives complementing each other in the ALS research space? What are the biggest hurdles in harmonizing and sharing data across these programs? How do we ensure that patient-centric approaches remain at the forefront of these efforts? What are the best practices for ensuring standardization and quality of collected data? How can international…Read more

day: Conference Day One PM

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